
Captcha, Spam Protection, Access & Security, Site Security, Security Tools

Add additional checks to your favourite Captcha Solution.

This plugin when published as main Captcha plugin is able to
- randomly rotate other Captcha plugins
- check visitors IP address against Blacklists (,,,,,,, Project HoneyPot, manually defined blacklist of IPs or IPs range)
- check registered user email address against Blacklists (,
- check submitted content not to contain links, PHP, JavaScript or HTML
- check submitted content against list of whitelisted / blacklisted character sets (like latin, cyrilic, greek etc...)
- check submitted content against words and regular expression blacklist
- check submitted content against Akismet API
- detect language of submitted content by internal function or by API and check it against language Blacklist / Whitelist
- detect continent and country (GeoIp) of visitor by internal PHP functions (if allowed), api (free GeoLite2 or paid GeoIP2) or by API and check it against countries / continents whitelist / blacklist
- add additional check to submissions by checking Cookies support and Javascript support
- adds hidden field for users, but visible to robots (HoneyPot)
- checks minimal time to fill the form
- whitelist localhost / private networks / IPs or IPs ranges defined in settings, so no Captcha is displayed at all

All these are optional and canbe set / finetuned in plugin settings. All blocked submissions could be also logged, so you can give your users feedback, if their submission is for some reason blocked.

Il permet de vérifier dans plusieurs listes des emails frauduleux (spams)
Ease of use
Facile d'utilisation. Attention quand même en utilisant certaines listes comme SpamHaus pour ne pas avoir trop de faux positifs
Le développeur m'a répondu sur son forum en prenant en compte mes remarques.
I used this to: Quelques sites associatifs. Cela m'a permis entre autre de stopper des gens qui s'inscrivent pour publier des commentaires.
n3t Coming Soon

n3t Coming Soon

By Pavel Poles
This plugin when published will block displaying live site. Instead of it is displayed Coming Soon page, with title, some text, autosize background image, and javascript countdown, if applicable. Newsletter components are supported (currently AcyMailing and jNews), so visitors could leave their email to get news about the website. It is possible to exclude IP addresses, specify the date and time...
n3t Copylink

n3t Copylink

By Pavel Poles
Site Access
Protect your content by automatic copyright and source information. This plugin enables to extend the copied text (by Ctrl+C or context menu) from your site by customizable information about its source....
n3t Cookie Consent

n3t Cookie Consent

By Pavel Poles
Cookie Control
A lightweight & gdpr compliant cookie consent solution for Joomla n3t Cookie Consent manager for Joomla! CMS based on Orestbida Cookie Consent javascript solution. This is out of box solution for Joomla! CMS, providing: Highly customizable Cookie Consent dialog Automatic detection of new Cookies Automatic cookies description based on Open Cookie Database multi lingual support multi site / domai...
n3t Language Domains

n3t Language Domains

By Pavel Poles
Multi-lingual Content
Multidomain plugin allowing to define specific language per domain. If you have multilanguage site, you can specify domain for each language using this plugin. So for example could point english language, czech and german. Also additional URL parameters could be specified per domain....
n3t Template

n3t Template

By Pavel Poles
Articles styling
Content templating component, with automatic loading and plugins support. Administrators can predefine content templates, categorize them into the category tree and manage them. It is also possible to specify content categories, for which should be the template loaded automatically in the editor or directly to the article. Those templates can be then inserted to editor by button under it. You c...
n3t Language Filter

n3t Language Filter

By Pavel Poles
Multi-lingual Content
Simple plugin to filter content of an article, module, or any content, based on current language. This plugin allows to include more than one language in one article / module / category description etc....
n3t HaveIBeenPwned

n3t HaveIBeenPwned

By Pavel Poles
Access & Security compromised passwords check. is project gatehring informations about password breaches, and collecting compromised passwords. It means, if your password (not necessarily password of your account) was somewhere published by hackers, who hacked some passwords database, it will be listed there. And if so, the password is propably not secure anymore. n3t HaveIBe...
n3t MultiModule

n3t MultiModule

By Pavel Poles
Content Construction
Display multiple modules in single modules position. Could be usefull for modules arrangement on the page....
n3t Inline Svg

n3t Inline Svg

By Pavel Poles
Convert images pointing to local SVG files into inline SVG tags....
n3t Fields

n3t Fields

By Pavel Poles
Content Construction
Extend various Joomla administration parts directly in template. n3t Fields adds ability to define extra fields for various Joomla administration parts directly in template. You can easily specify custom fields directly in your template folder. Fields could be defined for Articles Categories Modules Menu items Banners Users and many more... Use this fields in your template using template ove...
Install from

Install from

By Pavel Poles
Installation Tools
Install Czech and Slovak translations of extensions directly from Joomla Installer....
n3t Debug

n3t Debug

By Pavel Poles
Development Tools
Nette Tracy implementation to Joomla! Display debugging info in different way, including AJAX calls and redirects. Contains Debugger pnaels specific for Joomla like - database queries - user info - language files info - logs info - loaded scripts and stylesheets - emails info - and much more Debug mode is always biound to IP address, so it is displayed just to administrators, not to common users...
PhocaCart Console

PhocaCart Console

By Pavel Poles
Phoca Cart Extensions
Extends Joomla! console by PhocaCart commands. Currently supported are: - Recreate thumbnails for Products and Categories - Recalculate products count for Categories, Manufacturers, Tags, Labels and Parameters Values - Regenerate aliases for Categories, Manufacturers, Tags, Labels and Parameters...
n3t Article

n3t Article

By Pavel Poles
Articles Display
Module to display selected article. This could be usefull as alternative to core 'Custom HTML' for administrators, who prefer to edit all their content at one place in articles manager, or for those withou access to module manager....
n3t Empty Page

n3t Empty Page

By Pavel Poles
Content Construction
Component to display empty page on your site, with optional list of custom modules positions. This could be used for pages, where no component output is needed, and you just want to display different modules. In combination with other modules it could serve well as simple replacement of complex Page Builders. Since version 5.0.0 it offers also advanced Bootstrap grid builder....
Google Structued Data for Phoca Cart

Google Structued Data for Phoca Cart

By Pavel Poles
SEO & Metadata
Add Product Structured Data to your Phoca Cart products. This plugin enable Phoca Cart integration within Google Structured Data component. It allows you to automatically add structured data such as - Title, Description, Image, SKU, MPN, GTIN, ISBN, Brand name - Ratings and Reviews - Price offer - Condition, Availability - additional fields such as Material, Pattern, Gender, Age Group e...
n3t Console Tools

n3t Console Tools

By Pavel Poles
Site management tools
Console plugin adding usefull batch tools to modify articles and its categories. Currently supports - batch generation of aliases - batch fixing of Assets table for categories and articles - batch cleaning HTML in articles and categories - batch replacing values in articles and categories...
n3t PhocaCart Category

n3t PhocaCart Category

By Pavel Poles
Phoca Cart Extensions
Display PhocaCart categories in an alternative way. Comes with Bootstrap 5 and UIkit predefined layouts....
n3t PhocaCart Search

n3t PhocaCart Search

By Pavel Poles
Phoca Cart Extensions
PhocaCart products, categories, manufacturers and / or tags search with fancy AJAX autocompleter....
n3t Heureka Reviews

n3t Heureka Reviews

By Pavel Poles
Ratings & Reviews
Display Heureka portal eshop reviews directly on your website. This module enbales to display reviews of your customers from or portal and display it directly on your website....
n3t Translate

n3t Translate

By Pavel Poles
Automatic translations
Translate your content by one click directly from Joomla! administration. Currently supported translation engine is DeepL. Supported translatable fields are - Article content - Article title - any other configured field (see documentation) - Virtuemart product / categories descriptions and names - PhocaCart 5 translatable fields...

n3t Multi Captcha

Pavel Poles
Last updated:
Jun 13 2024
3 months ago
Date added:
Jun 06 2022
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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